Monday, January 9, 2012

The History of Pokemon...

I know everyone has probably already seen Pokemon! Pokemon was the shit back when I was in elementary school. All my friends had their favorites and sometimes we'd have get-togethers and watch it. I can remember when they first came out with the movie with Mew and Mew 2 in it and I was so excited when I first heard about it. I used to have all the tapes with all the episodes and me and my cousin, Brandon would watch them. Everyone had the cards and had all sorts of Pokemon merch. I loved Evee the best :) . What I liked about Pokemon was how it was so easy to follow and you could memorize every Pokemon. It was very appropriate for children and was enjoyable to watch, but as time went on, Pokemon became more and more obsolete. Then, some douchebag decided the new generation of little kids would like it if they added fifty billion more Pokemon. Completely random. I stopped watching Pokemon when they did that and when Powerpuff Girls and Johnny Bravo came out, I began to lose my interest in the new Pokemon. Cartoon Network had ruined it for me. Then they had this thing called Toonami and Pokemon was put on that along with a bunch of other TV shows that people didn't watch. When Toonami went away, so did Dragon Ball Z and Pokemon and Digimon and all those animes. After a while, Pokemon was a distant memory until a long while later, Cartoon Network brought Pokemon (the new one) back to see how many views and good ratings it would get. This "new" Pokemon had new people. Misty and Brock disappeared and I don't remember if I saw that cop or that nurse that Brock would flirt with. I don't recall seeing Team Rocket either. I watched Pokemon crash and burn. They put Pokemon back to morning television with Yu-Gi-Oh and that Weasel&Baboon show. Nobody watched it because people were either sleeping or too busy getting ready for school to find the time for it. As for present-day television, Pokemon is dead and they have the most stupid "anime" ever out. It can't even be called anime because it's so stupid. An example would be Bakugan. This new generation of kids like this and have the merch too. I honestly think that Bakugan is pointless. At least Pokemon is lived on through my generation and the merch is still out there, though hard to find. Pokemon probably would have still been loved today if Cartoon Network didn't interfere with it. Alas, as today's generation of kids are exposed to more and more on television, they get harder to please with cartoons. Hence the more slang and dirty language they use on cartoons today. I hear "piss" and "hell" on cartoons more often and that would have never been permitted for children back when I was little! Remember Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends? Remember the movie? Bloo yelled "YOU PISSED HIM OFF!!" to Mr. Harriman. Or something along those lines... I miss the old Pokemon and when television was more appropriate.